Together We Can Make a Difference-Skills to Work on at Home

  1.  Print first and last name correctly using upper and lower case letters

  2.  Identify Letters in Print (upper and lower case) & sounds associated with those letters-Have children identify letters in books, newspaper, environmental print…and give the sound and a word that starts with that sound

  3.  Rote counting to 100-count the number of pieces of cereal in cereal bowl, steps from the car to the door, people in a line, seconds at a stop light…

4.  Recognize numbers 0-100-teens are tricky.  We teach that you read most numbers like you read a book from left to right.  The teens are tricky because you read them backwards.  Identify numbers all around-on clocks, calendars, house numbers, favorite TV channels (call out a number an have children push that number on the remote) we play number bingo or just plain old flash cards can be turned into all kinds of fun games-kids may want to shoot a basket for every number they identify correctly. ..

5.  Identifies readiness words in isolation and context-go fish with sight words, give children a card and go find that word in a book,  sight word relay-have children run to find the correct word from a pile of words across the room-time them and see if they can beat their old times, word swat, tape words to a wall, give your child a clean fly swatter, call out a word and have them swat that word when they find it…
Color words:  red, yellow, blue…
Number words:  one, two, three…
Sight words from regular Kindergarten class
Some of the Most frequently used sight words:  and, am, at, big, but, can, do, did, had, have, here, go, I, it, is, in, little, look, like, my, not, one, red, see, two, to, the, up, we

6.  Repeats sentences of varying structures:  this is the oral language piece, engage children in dialogue daily, encourage them to use proper sentence structure and enunciate words, read to them…

7.  Writing-dictate a sentence to your child that requires them to use sight words and letter-sound knowledge to complete. Example.  I see a red ball. I, see, a, and red are all sight words but ball will need to be sounded out-only sight words require proper spelling.

8.  Writes numbers to 20-Regular Kindergarten requires students to go to at least 100.

9.  Matches Numbers with Corresponding quantities (1-20)- Write a number 1-20 and have children identify the number and count out that many objects-20 fruit loops, toy cars, ponies, Barbie’s… 

10.  Count backwards from 20-0.  Oven timers are good for this!

11.  Estimates-by the end of the year students should be able to estimate the number of less than 25 objects.  Have child grab a handful of goldfish crackers, guess how many there are and then count them.  For children that provide a number too small or too high-pull five objects out of the pile, count them, show the difference, and then have children make another estimate. 

12.  Identify Coins by name and value-penny, nickel, dime, quarter and the values of each

13.  Tell time to the Hour on an analog clock-for those that can already do this, have them match analog and digital times.

14.  Create Number Stories-Have children practice telling and showing addition number stories up to l0.  There are 3 birds in the tree.  4 more join them…How many are in the tree now?